"He was incredibly gifted–able to speak five languages, played at least four musical instruments, composed music for the piano as well as at least two beautiful love songs. One of these “Such Is My Love” was included on the album of love songs he released in 1958. He could build anything and drew up the blue prints for his first house as well as building the furniture. His friends were amazed at his mechanical abilities and he held several patents at the US Patent Office. When he bought a car he would often take the engine apart to arrange the steering to suit his needs. He was a noted amateur astronomer and built several telescopes, including the large 9″ one that Universal Pictures bought from him and used in the 1945 movie “The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry” in which Sanders starred". (с)
Джордж Сандерс. Почувствуй себя ничтожеством. ...если вас занимает эта, со всех сторон замечательная, персона, на этом сайте есть гораздо больше шокирующих сведений, чем я могу переварить за один раз) Сведения о его происхождении, например, ввели меня в очень тихий ужас) Тот же самый сайт почти ответил мне на животрепещущий вопрос о том, почему Джордж никогда не читал сценарии.
...Он был чемпионом по боксу xDD