Falcon in the Dive
Увидела у Муничка такой вот по строчкам из стихотворений. Ну, я-то классической поэзией мало интересуюсь, а вот рок-поэзией - это да) Поэтому как-то созрела задумка сделать нечто подобное, ограничившись одной группой, на роль которой были избраны Pink Floyd. С бонус-туром по сольникам Уотерса. Кто знает, тот угадает безо всяких проблем. Кто не знает - ай-ай-ай, ПФ - это классика из классик, ее нельзя хоть однажды не послушать вне фильма "Стена" ) В общем, ловите строчки из песен. Узнаете, из каких?)
С меня - рассказы о каждой из них, в меру того, что знаю/прочувствовала.
Прим. Так как я вполне искренне считаю, что ПФ после ухода Уотерса - это не ПФ, а, кхм, Трио, альбомы учитываются до "The Final Cut".

Pink Floyd:
1. One inch of love is one inch of shadow
Love is the shadow that ripens the wine

2. Will the tightrope reach the end?
Will the final cuplet rhyme?

3. The sun is the same in the relative way, but you're older
And shorter of breath and one day closer to death

4. The generals sat and the lines on the map
Moved from side to side

5. The band is just fantastic,
That is really what I think
Oh, by the way which one's Pink?

6. Now there's a look in your eyes
Like black holes in the sky

7. And everything's done under the sun
And you believe at heart, everyone's a killer

8. What do you get for pretending the danger's not real?

9. If I had my way,
I'd have all of you shot

10. And I've got a strong urge to fly
But I got nowhere to fly to

11. Vera! Vera!
What has become of you?

12. I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone

13. Stepping up boldly one put out his hand
He said, "I was just a child then, now I'm only a man"

14. And even now part of me flies over
Dresden at angels one five

15. They can polish their medals and sharpen their
smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for a while

16. I never had the nerve to make the final cut

Roger Waters:

1. That only a rather dull child could have drawn
While attempting a graveyard in the moonlight

2. "Jump", says Yoko Ono
"I'm too scared and too good looking", I cried

3. And I see signs of half remembered days
I hear bells that chime in strange familiar ways

5. Am I happy? Am I sad? Am I good? Am I... bad?

6. The kid in the corner looked at the priest
And fingered his pale blue Japanese guitar

7. Each man has his price Bob
And yours was pretty low

8. By the way did you know that a submarine Captain earns 200,000 dollars a year?

9. Not the torturer will scare me

10. And the women break their bracelets
And the men take their whisky outside

11. History's not written by the vanquished or the damned

@темы: It's only rock'n'roll