Falcon in the Dive
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28.06.2011 в 11:48
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"I've recently been reading Hume Cronyn's memoir, called "A Terrible Liar", in which he mentions his debt to Hardwicke for his guidance and for his example of professionalism as an actor and a director. Cronyn says that while Hardwicke was stony broke at the end of his life, (due largely to alimony), he was always generous with his help to the actor. Hardwicke even insisted that Cronyn visit him while he was in the hospital when Sir Cedric was dying of emphysema to discuss some theatrical problem. Between gasps on his oxygen mask, the elder man sighed, "I suppose this, [meaning the perilous state of his health], will cut down on my career." Cronyn was touched that he still wished to pursue his dramatic career, but felt that Hardwicke's comment was the understatement of the year. Two days later, Hume Cronyn and Richard Burton were among their friend's pall bearers."

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За что я всегда уважала и буду уважать сэра Седрика - так это за беззаветную преданность профессии и искусству. Есть есть у меня право проводить аналогии (кто я и кто он), то скажу, что очень его понимаю.

@темы: Since I've been loving you, сэр Седрик