Falcon in the Dive
Как оказалось, "шовленовская" удача может постигнуть не только людей, но и рукописи xD
"Readers in Ireland will readily understand the danger that was entailed in working during those days at papers relating to de Valera. When the military arrived at a house for the purpose of making a search they usually forced an entrance if not admitted within half a minute, thereby giving no time for the removal of what they called seditious documents. Indeed, as regards such raids the de Valera manuscript had nearly as many escapes as de Valera himself. The manuscript was kept in a writing desk provided with a secret drawer which it was proposed to screw up with a view to making it more secure, but before this had been done the military unexpectedly arrived. An officer spent over half an hour examining the desk, but though the manuscript was within reach he failed to find it. He then proceeded to another part of the house, where he searched the pockets of a coat from which the first chapter had been removed only on the previous night. The manuscript was then taken for greater safety to another house in the neighbourhood, but before a week had elapsed word was received that this house had been surrounded by military and police. They were not aware, however, of the existence of the manuscript and did not find it. Later it was brought away and buried in a garden, but a workman, who did not carry out his instructions, dug it up. Fearing that the box contained explosives he did not open it, but brought it to the author, so the secret still remained undisclosed. Four or five months later the manuscript was sent to a Dublin publishing house, but on the very night it was posted the military seized all the mail bags at the post office and had them removed to their Head Quarters for examination. The manuscript had not, however, been included in the despatch, having been overlooked in the registered letter safe by the post office official, so it once more escaped. Finally the manuscript was in the Ballybrophy railway accident in which one man was killed and several injured".
"Readers in Ireland will readily understand the danger that was entailed in working during those days at papers relating to de Valera. When the military arrived at a house for the purpose of making a search they usually forced an entrance if not admitted within half a minute, thereby giving no time for the removal of what they called seditious documents. Indeed, as regards such raids the de Valera manuscript had nearly as many escapes as de Valera himself. The manuscript was kept in a writing desk provided with a secret drawer which it was proposed to screw up with a view to making it more secure, but before this had been done the military unexpectedly arrived. An officer spent over half an hour examining the desk, but though the manuscript was within reach he failed to find it. He then proceeded to another part of the house, where he searched the pockets of a coat from which the first chapter had been removed only on the previous night. The manuscript was then taken for greater safety to another house in the neighbourhood, but before a week had elapsed word was received that this house had been surrounded by military and police. They were not aware, however, of the existence of the manuscript and did not find it. Later it was brought away and buried in a garden, but a workman, who did not carry out his instructions, dug it up. Fearing that the box contained explosives he did not open it, but brought it to the author, so the secret still remained undisclosed. Four or five months later the manuscript was sent to a Dublin publishing house, but on the very night it was posted the military seized all the mail bags at the post office and had them removed to their Head Quarters for examination. The manuscript had not, however, been included in the despatch, having been overlooked in the registered letter safe by the post office official, so it once more escaped. Finally the manuscript was in the Ballybrophy railway accident in which one man was killed and several injured".