

Falcon in the Dive
Читая Early Life of Eamonn de Valera, имеем:

"Many of America's leading statesmen, great financiers, and wealthy merchants, can point to the driving force of their Irish blood as the secret of their success. Even President Wilson occasionally referred with pride to his Irish ancestry. Henry Morgenthau, American Ambassador at Constantinople, speaking of the President, and drawing attention to his Scottish blood as indicating caution, continues : " but he has also the fire and combativeness of the Irish : let him once set his jaws, and it takes a crowbar to open them again."

@темы: History of madness, Вавилонская библиотека, ...since 1916

08.02.2013 в 22:44

I've got an idea for a column that will make Walter Winchell look like the kid who writes on fences
И - помимо всего прочего - ирландская кровь наделяет политических лидеров обаянием столь невозможной силы, что даже девушки последующего столетия не в состоянии устоять перед ними ?
08.02.2013 в 22:50

Falcon in the Dive
Конечно - будь то светлоглазый американский президент или крупноглазый лидер революции...