Дани традиции ради - сейчас ведь модно обязательно выслушивать "другую сторону" - заглянула в наши рецензии на
Woman in Green: уж даром Бэзил посчитал друга-коллегу лучшим Мориарти, с чем согласилось немалое число западных критиков, - но нет, таланты Дэниелла нашему народу недоступны)
"В исполнении довольно известного мастера эпизода Генри Дэниэла (который до этого уже не раз появлялся в цикле во вполне положительных ролях) профессор наконец утратил оперный демонизм, но вместе с тем превратился в совсем мелкокалиберного злодейчика, вовсе не похожего на мощную личность из рассказов Конан Дойла (собственно, и сюжет, за исключением пары совершенно второстепенных мотивов, к творчеству сэра Артура не имеет ни малейших отношений)".
(с)...вероятно, посмотреть "Джейн Эйр" и оценить владельца Ловуда критик и не пытался?) Для сравнения -
imdb:'Is Daniell the best Moriarty ever?'***
"The notorious Moriarty is very difficult to do justice to on film, but Daniell works very well, with his icy personality and suave demeanor."
"One of the very best was Henry Daniell, whose silky voice and air of sinister sophistication could be so valuable in a mystery drama. He had previously appeared in the series twice, but this was the first time he would play the Napoleon of Crime -- Professor Moriarty. Daniell's scenes with Rathbone approach something very special; unfortunately the sсript does not let them go quite over the top."
"Hilary Brooke is seductive, Henry Daniell is a terrific Moriarty, as always Rathbone and Bruce are tops as Holmes and Watson."
"Henry Daniell is a good Professor Moriarty and Hillary Brooke as The Woman in Green is mysterious and seductive."
"Most of the Holmes movies have at least one interesting villainous character, here being the famous Dr. Moriarity (not played well by Henry Daniell) and "the woman in green" (played well by Hilary Brooke, but no hint of green or mention of that in this black-and-white film.)"
"The film misses the comedy presence of Hoey's detective Lestrade and the new officer can't fill his shoes. Daniell's Moriarty is a bit too average - I never got the impression of an evil or dangerous man who was a match for Holmes".
"Henry Daniell plays Moriarty colder than a refrigerator; George Zucco was mad and Lionel Atwill was pervy but imho I think Daniell was maybe better fitted to play the part of Evil Personified, being cold as ice."
"I thought that Henry Daniell (Prof. Moriarty), "The Sun Also Rises",'57 was one of the best actors to show the evil that Holmes & Dr. Watson had to face. Henry Daniell played many roles as a Nazi in many WWII pictures and was a true demon of a person on the screen."
"I saw Henry Daniell in "The Voice of Terror" and "Sherlock Holmes in Washington" and it got me thinking about Henry Daniell.I thought,"I bet he would be a great Moriarty".When I watched him in this little movie I finally saw Mr.Daniell as The Napoleon of Crime and my heart sang.He was the absolutely greatest James Moriarty ever!!!!!He had the exact apperiance of Moriarty as descriebed in "The Final Problem"!!!He even had the sunken eyes.Extremely creepy....."
"Rathbone is good as always; Brooke is very beautiful and just great and Daniell seems rather subdued."
"In fact, critics have often singled out Henry Daniell as the most effectively sinister Moriarty of all time."
"Henry Daniell is his thoroughly professional self as the mastermind, especially when he invades Holmes's Baker Street apartments for a eerie discussion with his chief adversary."
"I do think Henry Danielle as Professor Moriarity could have done better. I would like to have seen him portrayed as more sinister and his part fleshed out to a greater degree."
"And what a great pair of cold-hearted schemers Hillary Brooke and Henry Daniell make in their duel of wits with Holmes."
"That her partner in crime is none other than Professor Moriaritry, played by the aristocratic Henry Daniell, who's always reminded me of Richard Nixon with leprosy, makes this picture especially fun."
"Holmes' re-acquaintance with Moriarty is perhaps the film's highlight, Henry Daniell's devilishly devious quarry using Watson as insurance, leaving the detective frustratingly unable to act against him..."
"Henry Daniell makes a particularly weedy and drab Moriarty, coasting by on the character's infamy with nonexistent presence and little threat."
"Rathbone's Holmes is in top form, Bruce's Watson manages to be sensible at least half the time, and Henry Daniell's Moriarty (cited by Rathbone as his favorite of the three Professors who played opposite him) is a sinister delight to watch...cold, calculating, and emotionally anemic, he is the perfect counterpoint to Rathbone's Holmes."
"Henry Daniell is also very good as a particularly reptilian Moriarty." [!]
"I suppose you can say that opinions vary wildly as to whether Daniell is good or weak as Holmes' arch rival Moriarty, but I didn't care for him. After enjoying Lionel Atwill and George Zucco, two pros at playing sinister and malevolent bad men, Henry Daniell comes up short and dull. His final moments in the movie also come off as rather abrupt and awkward."
"There's no Inspector Lastrade here, but there is Professor Moriarty (HENRY DANIELL), appropriately sinister and clever in the sort of role that suited him in the forties."
"Henry Daniell takes over from George Zucco in the role of the villain, and does well with it. Personally, I thought Zucco was more suited to the role; but Rathbone says that Daniell is his preferred option to play his other half...so what do I know?"
"Henry Daniell's portrayal of Dr. Moriarty is a terrific one and that sure isn't obvious, since the role was previously played by the brilliant George Zucco (in "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"
"Daniell also makes for a very good Moriarty as he's strong enough of an actor where we can believe him to be this wise villain."
"Henry Daniell is really bad as Moriarty and comes across as wimpy and effeminate. Not exactly a good approach, this ain't no pantomime."
"The eerie Henry Daniell as Professor Moriarty is the best thing in this film adaptation of the Doyle story, "The Empty House."
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