Falcon in the Dive
Чем так хорош генерал Ассолан (он же Миро)? Следующим —
"Notwithstanding this, Assolant had been constantly jumping up on the firing-steps [!] to take quick looks into no-man’s-land. To Dax, these quick looks seemed to be getting less and less quick.
"Please, sir," he said, when he could restrain himself no longer, “that’s suicide..."
(c) H. Cobb. Paths of Glory.

"Notwithstanding this, Assolant had been constantly jumping up on the firing-steps [!] to take quick looks into no-man’s-land. To Dax, these quick looks seemed to be getting less and less quick.
"Please, sir," he said, when he could restrain himself no longer, “that’s suicide..."
(c) H. Cobb. Paths of Glory.