Falcon in the Dive
Еще шедевры отзывов о бедном герцоге-Мэсси)
Raymond Massey was never better as the ambitious Duke Michael. The expressionistic qualities of his facial contortions make his lines almost superfluous. (эпично!)
The always underrated and under-appreciated actor Raymond Massey makes the character of Michael come alive with jealousy and vainglory but with true love in his heart for his Antoinette. (да! только любовь...)
Raymond Massey is Black Michael, he of the monocle and the perpetual sneer. (монокль - это дело!)
The plot is lead by Black Michael (Raymond Massey) who's facial features are suited for the part of a jealous villain. (как говорилось в одном хорошем фике, внешность герцоги не выбирают)
Raymond Massey looks like he is uncomfortable with his lines and would rather be doing Hamlet. (быть - или не быть мне королем?..)
But Raymond Massey plays the sneering, black-uniformed villain with such striking precision, we can only regret that he is removed from the action too soon. (тысячу раз "да"!)
The hatred that radiates from Massey's regard of Colman is so powerful that it can actually be felt by the viewer! (безусловно)
Raymond Massey was never better as the ambitious Duke Michael. The expressionistic qualities of his facial contortions make his lines almost superfluous. (эпично!)
The always underrated and under-appreciated actor Raymond Massey makes the character of Michael come alive with jealousy and vainglory but with true love in his heart for his Antoinette. (да! только любовь...)
Raymond Massey is Black Michael, he of the monocle and the perpetual sneer. (монокль - это дело!)
The plot is lead by Black Michael (Raymond Massey) who's facial features are suited for the part of a jealous villain. (как говорилось в одном хорошем фике, внешность герцоги не выбирают)
Raymond Massey looks like he is uncomfortable with his lines and would rather be doing Hamlet. (быть - или не быть мне королем?..)
But Raymond Massey plays the sneering, black-uniformed villain with such striking precision, we can only regret that he is removed from the action too soon. (тысячу раз "да"!)
The hatred that radiates from Massey's regard of Colman is so powerful that it can actually be felt by the viewer! (безусловно)